Articles and Resources


CPG Trade Promotion Best Practices


Deductions: Outsourcing or In-House?

Evaluate the pros and cons of outsourcing or managing deductions in-house. There's no one size fits all option, but Confido can support both.

June 2024


Target: Managing Deductions and Disputes


Velocity and Distribution

Trade and sales forecasting is essential to predict the results of promotion activities and ensure that companies are making informed decisions. Let's dive into the main calculations that are needed for accurate forecasting.

July  2024


Launching into KeHE: Deductions and Cash Application


Unlocking the Power of AI for CPG Brands

AI is undoubtedly transforming the CPG industry, offering unprecedented opportunities for efficiency, customer engagement, and growth. In this blog post, we'll explore how AI can benefit CPG brands, driving success in today's competitive market.

May  2024


Kroger: An In-Depth Guide to Deductions and Disputes


The Playbook to Manage & Automate Deductions

This playbook will discuss how CPG brands can implement automation and structure around existing processes to win back dispute dollars and enable efficient growth.

April 2024

ui screen


UNFI Dispute Guide


Getting Started with CPG Trade Accounting

As CPG brands grow and increase trade spend across channels, managing accrual accounting can become quite confusing. This guide will explain the accounting issues that arise for CPG brands and best practices for accounting.

March 2024
Payments by retailers being categorized

Confido Introduction


A Complete Guide to UNFI Cash Application and Deductions

This guide will walk through all of the most important financial elements for working with UNFI.

March 2024

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